God speaks through the details

Goldens Seeds [blog] by Marjet Hoogendoorn

May 4, 2023

It’s great when God clearly speaks through the details of our lives. Autumn ’22 we remodelled our house and at the end of January we could move back in. Through that process God showed us how important it is for a house (also for our spiritual ‘house’) to have a good foundation. After that the building can start and finally the decoration can be bought.
At the end of January my husband and I were looking for an ‘ixxi’ to decorate our kitchen wall. We chose ‘Olive Trees in the Moreno Garden’ by Claude Monet. In that period I was also looking for God’s will for a website with a prophetic sound. When we bought the ‘ixxi’, I was curious about these Moreno Gardens and so I looked it up.

I found out that the Moreno Gardens were in Italy. In the 19th century a wealthy tradesman named Moreno bought a house and filled the gardens with all sorts of trees and plants. Moreno was a trader in olive oil. The gardens grew and he added all sorts of exotic species to the gardens. The Moreno Gardens attracted many tourists. In an Italian magazine from 1881 it was written that “… the Moreno gardens are not only the most beautiful and most delightful location of the Mediterranean, but also one of the most beautiful and famous gardens of Europe.”

I knew we had chosen unknowingly for this painting with reason… It’s my great desire to be a ‘trader in oil’ for God’s kingdom: oil of the Holy Spirit, that I will receive and pass on. Partly because of this painting and its meaning the name Garden of Glory arose. I’m looking forward for how God will let Garden of Glory grow and how He will add all sorts of beautiful flowers, strong trees and exotic species! For others this ‘ixxi’ may just be a decoration on the wall, but for me it has great meaning and there are promises hidden in the small plastic squares on our kitchen wall. Every time I look at it, God is reminding me of these promises.

Now you shouldn’t think I have much knowledges about gardening. In fact we only have a small piece in our back garden where some plants and flowers grow. In there we have a climber plant, a clematis. The day the Garden of Glory website was ready for publishing and I sent out a message to friends and family, the first flowers came out!

Last week I was taking care of that small piece of garden. The clematis is now blooming fully and I took out the dry branches. The first sunflowers were coming up and so they needed protection from snails that love these young leaves. While I was busy, I heard God say: ‘Marjet, even though your garden is small now, I see how much care you give it. I see how you work with love on Garden of Glory. How you tune in for My will and how you want to honour Me through Garden of Glory.’

It doesn’t matter how small your garden is, or whether you are responsible for gardens like the Moreno Gardens. He sees your heart and how you are after Him. He has given you a place in His Garden of Glory, and He is not looking for numbers or titles. He wants to be with you, with you. He wants to be involved in every part of your life and speak through the details. A decoration on the wall, a clematis in the garden. They speak God’s promises into my life and remind me of what God has done and will do. That’s how our relationship with Him flourishes and how life with Him becomes an adventure.

Be Still…

And ask God to make your spirit sensitive for His Spirit.

Whisper the words op king David to your God:

One thing I ask from you, Lord,
    this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in your house, Lord
    all the days of my life,
to gaze on your beauty, God
    and to seek you in your temple.

Psalm 27: 4 [niv]

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